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Monday, June 20, 2011

Agriculture Waste As a Wealth Creation

Agriculture Waste As a Wealth Creation

Agricultural Waste has become an embarrassment to countries. The dump sites cause health hazard to the people despite federal and state government effort. Poultry farmers face a nightmare with the waste generated by what they rear, such as chicken, pigs, and cows especially. In fact the odour generated in some farms portends dangers to the community, the farm owners and the staff. Reuse, Recycling, and Waste reduction offer jobs opportunities for communities by collecting the waste with care, and upgrading or processing them and making a lot of revenue out of it. This is one of the areas wealth creation could be established.
Do you know that in some Asian Countries - China, India, this waste that constitutes problems for our nation is economic empowerment especially in the area of power generation?

What does this mean?
a- Poultry manure can be turned into dried, little pellets of fertilizer to be sold to farmers?
b- Leftover chicken parts such as heads, feet and feathers can be made into ingredients for animals feed?
c- Chicken and pig manure can be burnt to generate gas or electricity?
d- Chicken and turkey manure can be turned into a "toxin-grabbing char" that would be able to purify water on many industrial and factory farming pollutants?
e- Turning chicken feathers into plastic lessens waste?

These wastes provide opportunities in the productions of other animal feeds. (i fish feed). Ethanol for energy generation and fertilizer for farmers. It's on record that some time ago a pig farm in Ondo State,Nigeria, piped pig waste through gas cylinders to generate energy for the community. Other domestic wastes can equally generate ethanol. Poultry waste as animal feed and fertilizer would require good cleaning, sorting and grinding to add value. With good packaging in plastic bags of various weights ranging from 1kg to 25kg and appropriate labeling, It would become an instant Wealth Spinner.
Waste to wealth sounds unbelievable but it's real. In India for instance, a lot has been achieved at community level by local women turning waste to instant wealth.
They have recycled papers to bags as substitute for plastic carry bags. They have used coconut shell to replace plastic for mugs, bowls, spoon, soap dishes, key chains, flower vases and so on.
They have recycled cloth, plant fibers, cardboard, cans and bottles to mention a few. Their involvement in waste management has given them an opportunity to become self-employed.
While you make your future earnings from salvaging the environment, you will be helping the community and the nation to get rid of unwanted wastes and also contributing to youth empowerment and better health of the citizenry.
Waste management is hot cake and a major source of wealth creation in any country especially Asia countries-India,and China. A lot of revenue is being generated through its processing.

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