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Monday, March 14, 2011

Simple Techniques of Raising a Rabbit for Table Food and Profitability

Simple Techniques of Raising a Rabbit for Table Food and Profitability

Rabbits are popular because they breed quickly and healthy doe can produce eight litters of six rabbits each year. That is about 90 kilograms of meat a year at an average of 2kg per rabbit. The meat, when cooked taste likes poultry meat. ‘’Rabbit Curry’’ and ‘’chicken curry’`  taste similar and Rabbits are a good source of low-fat protein.    
It is essential to keep the buck and does in clean, dry, safe hutches before you begin breeding them. To breed a doe, put a female into the cage with the buck-male.  Mating is good especially early in morning or evening when it is cool. Watch her carefully to make sure she mates. It should take only two or three minutes. If she does not mate you can try again later. After she has mated, put her back in her own apartment.
Thirty-one days after mating, her litter will be born- ‘’Kindling’’ (the process of giving birth in rabbits). Three days before the baby rabbits are doe, give the mother a nest box where she can give birth. Put a litter soft, dry grass in the box and the mother will mix it with her own fur. There are usually six to ten (6-10) babies in litter. In some special breed cases, it is possible to find up to 12 babies. It is necessary to compare these with the nipple number on the doe. Once it is insufficiently less than that of the litter number, then it is best to ‘SHED’ i.e. reducing the babies in the litter so as to tally with the nipple number of the doe’s breast.
The baby rabbit will not open their eyes for about two weeks. Do not touch any of them, you will affect their body odor and the mother will not feed them. If you must touch them, rub your hands over the mothers first. That way, you will not change the odor of the young ones.
The rabbits will be ready to eat in only four months time. You can wean them at two months of age. When the baby rabbits are weaned, it is time to cross the doe again. Though mating can be carried out immediately after kindling because of their unique ovulation nature. Feed them for four more months and, when they weight two kilo (2kg), they are big enough to eat.  
Feeding:  Rabbits eat almost anything and you can cut grass or gather weeds. If the forage is wet when you cut it, let it get dry for a few hours before using it. Otherwise the rabbits may contact diarrhea and may even die. Kitchen scraps, sweet potatoes vines, bread crusts, and carrot tops. It is important to note that Potato Tops are poisonous to rabbits and to most animals.
Compounded feeds in good rations are good for the rabbit. An example of Compounded feed ration is the Growers’ mash. It makes them to grow faster and stronger than when placed on grass alone. It is especially good for does producing milk.

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