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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Law of Goal Setting in Our Daily Activities

Law of Goal Setting in Our Daily Activities

Goal setting is the act of setting a target for a particular task or project which we hope to complete or accomplish within a time frame. All goals are achievable if only we could discipline ourselves to pursue them.
Theory of goal setting suggests that it can serve as effective tool for making progress in our career by ensuring what they must do to achieve an objective. If you don't set a goal for that business in small way today, you may never get the chance of becoming a hero tomorrow. Planning is the factor of a goal setting that gives you long-term vision and short-term motivation. It is important in a man's life, don't neglect it, else it leads to failure. The size of your dreams will determine the size of the person you will be. It helps you to develop skills and to organize your time and your resources so that you can achieve success in your life-time.
Every notable achievement recorded in human history is a product of law of time and goal setting. God set the goal of creation and this came to fruition. The following questions are relevant as a guide to setting targets in any area of life:

a- Where? This is a question of Direction. Where will my career take me to?

b- What? This is a question of purpose. Of what relevance is this goal and objective to me?

c- When? When would this career/business be achieved? When a good idea drops in your mind, no matter
where your are, stop and write it down, it might be the idea that would take you to your new world. Your determination can take you to your destination.

d- Who? This is a question of personality; who shall benefit from the end product of my careers and to whom shall be the glory/favour?

Every fact of life requires that an individual has a goal or objective for achievement in mind. This is necessary in order to have a yardstick of measuring progress at the time of stock taking. We have six stream-lined areas.

1- Spiritual: Your relationship and level of faith in God, the creator.

2- Financial: This has to do with monetary and financial blessings. How much do you want to earn at various stages of production?

3- Business: This is the work of your hand. What level do you want to reach in your career? Your today's today labour and difficulties are the raw materials for your future enjoyment. Champions are men of courage and patience. Courage will make you conquer any problems.

4- Social: Your associates and influence on your work, for example, etc

5- Shelter/Protection: Your physical building and the environment of your dwelling place.

6- Education: What information and skills will you need to break through and achieve your desire goals?
Every journey begins with a destination in mind, before being embarked upon. So your life's journey must be directed by concrete, achievable goals. Set them and pursue them and you would see yourself achieving them. After all, a journey of a thousand miles, says the Chinese adage begins with a single step. Remember, that step must be in the right direction.

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