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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Law of Goal Setting in Our Daily Activities

Law of Goal Setting in Our Daily Activities

Goal setting is the act of setting a target for a particular task or project which we hope to complete or accomplish within a time frame. All goals are achievable if only we could discipline ourselves to pursue them.
Theory of goal setting suggests that it can serve as effective tool for making progress in our career by ensuring what they must do to achieve an objective. If you don't set a goal for that business in small way today, you may never get the chance of becoming a hero tomorrow. Planning is the factor of a goal setting that gives you long-term vision and short-term motivation. It is important in a man's life, don't neglect it, else it leads to failure. The size of your dreams will determine the size of the person you will be. It helps you to develop skills and to organize your time and your resources so that you can achieve success in your life-time.
Every notable achievement recorded in human history is a product of law of time and goal setting. God set the goal of creation and this came to fruition. The following questions are relevant as a guide to setting targets in any area of life:

a- Where? This is a question of Direction. Where will my career take me to?

b- What? This is a question of purpose. Of what relevance is this goal and objective to me?

c- When? When would this career/business be achieved? When a good idea drops in your mind, no matter
where your are, stop and write it down, it might be the idea that would take you to your new world. Your determination can take you to your destination.

d- Who? This is a question of personality; who shall benefit from the end product of my careers and to whom shall be the glory/favour?

Every fact of life requires that an individual has a goal or objective for achievement in mind. This is necessary in order to have a yardstick of measuring progress at the time of stock taking. We have six stream-lined areas.

1- Spiritual: Your relationship and level of faith in God, the creator.

2- Financial: This has to do with monetary and financial blessings. How much do you want to earn at various stages of production?

3- Business: This is the work of your hand. What level do you want to reach in your career? Your today's today labour and difficulties are the raw materials for your future enjoyment. Champions are men of courage and patience. Courage will make you conquer any problems.

4- Social: Your associates and influence on your work, for example, etc

5- Shelter/Protection: Your physical building and the environment of your dwelling place.

6- Education: What information and skills will you need to break through and achieve your desire goals?
Every journey begins with a destination in mind, before being embarked upon. So your life's journey must be directed by concrete, achievable goals. Set them and pursue them and you would see yourself achieving them. After all, a journey of a thousand miles, says the Chinese adage begins with a single step. Remember, that step must be in the right direction.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Agriculture Waste As a Wealth Creation

Agriculture Waste As a Wealth Creation

Agricultural Waste has become an embarrassment to countries. The dump sites cause health hazard to the people despite federal and state government effort. Poultry farmers face a nightmare with the waste generated by what they rear, such as chicken, pigs, and cows especially. In fact the odour generated in some farms portends dangers to the community, the farm owners and the staff. Reuse, Recycling, and Waste reduction offer jobs opportunities for communities by collecting the waste with care, and upgrading or processing them and making a lot of revenue out of it. This is one of the areas wealth creation could be established.
Do you know that in some Asian Countries - China, India, this waste that constitutes problems for our nation is economic empowerment especially in the area of power generation?

What does this mean?
a- Poultry manure can be turned into dried, little pellets of fertilizer to be sold to farmers?
b- Leftover chicken parts such as heads, feet and feathers can be made into ingredients for animals feed?
c- Chicken and pig manure can be burnt to generate gas or electricity?
d- Chicken and turkey manure can be turned into a "toxin-grabbing char" that would be able to purify water on many industrial and factory farming pollutants?
e- Turning chicken feathers into plastic lessens waste?

These wastes provide opportunities in the productions of other animal feeds. (i fish feed). Ethanol for energy generation and fertilizer for farmers. It's on record that some time ago a pig farm in Ondo State,Nigeria, piped pig waste through gas cylinders to generate energy for the community. Other domestic wastes can equally generate ethanol. Poultry waste as animal feed and fertilizer would require good cleaning, sorting and grinding to add value. With good packaging in plastic bags of various weights ranging from 1kg to 25kg and appropriate labeling, It would become an instant Wealth Spinner.
Waste to wealth sounds unbelievable but it's real. In India for instance, a lot has been achieved at community level by local women turning waste to instant wealth.
They have recycled papers to bags as substitute for plastic carry bags. They have used coconut shell to replace plastic for mugs, bowls, spoon, soap dishes, key chains, flower vases and so on.
They have recycled cloth, plant fibers, cardboard, cans and bottles to mention a few. Their involvement in waste management has given them an opportunity to become self-employed.
While you make your future earnings from salvaging the environment, you will be helping the community and the nation to get rid of unwanted wastes and also contributing to youth empowerment and better health of the citizenry.
Waste management is hot cake and a major source of wealth creation in any country especially Asia countries-India,and China. A lot of revenue is being generated through its processing.

Regular Exercise Promotes a Good Health

Regular Exercise Promotes a Good Health

Over the years all of us have been told there are benefits derivable from regular exercise; but most of us have received such information with cynicism. It is important that we find time to engage in activities that would promote both our physical, mental and spiritual well-being and never to shy away from them as doing so may negatively impact our health.

What are the Benefits of Exercise?
1- Feeling better: Exercise helps in coping with stress; and improves your image, and resistance to fatigue. It helps to counter anxiety and depression; helps you relax and feel less tired and improves the ability to fall asleep and sleep well.

2- Looking better: Regular physical activities tune your muscles, help your appetite and turn off excess calories to help shape your physique.

3- Improves your productivity: Regular physical activities help you to be more productive at work, issue you capacity for physical work and aid mental alertness.

Regular exercise condition your heart and lungs to relax more efficiently. When well conditioned, the heartbeats less frequently, but much more efficient at when rest. The heart of an average person beats a little less or within the range of 70 to 75 times every minute. Therefore, a conditioned heart beats about 36,000 less times per day, a saving of 13 million beats per year.
A conditioned heart thus suffers less wear and tear over years. In this way, exercise reduces the chance of suffering a heart attack. Feeling, looking, working better helps you to enjoy life more fully. Several scientific studies have shown that life is prolonged by regular exercise. The average life expectancy in people who exercise regularly is 8 to 15 years longer than in those who do not. Also, studies have shown that people who exercise are more likely to recover faster than those who do not when they suffer various diseases, including heart attack and bleeding.
Many of us believe that we get enough exercise from our daily activities and so do not require any more. This is rarely true. Very few jobs require vigorous activities these days (in our kind of setting) while I agree that activities like climbing stairs, walking, gardening, moderate to heavy house work can provide some benefit on the long run, more vigorous exercise conditions the heart and lungs to provide more consistent short and long term benefits.
Some general tips: If you have eaten a meal, avoid strenuous physical activity for at least 2 hours. If you exercise vigorously first, wait about 20 minutes before eating. If you run or jog, land on your heels rather than the balls of your feet. If you ride a bicycle out doors, always wear a helmet. Hard and uneven surfaces are more likely to cause injuries than soft, even surfaces. Any exercise at all is better than none at all.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Turning chicken feathers into plastic lessens waste

Turning chicken feathers into plastic lessens waste

US scientists have developed a method to turn chicken feathers into plastic products and are working on bringing the technology closer to the marketplace.

Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientist Walter Schmidt developed the technology to clean feathers and separate them into chopped fibres and quill pieces. Now Schmidt and fellow ARS chemist Justin Barone have developed and applied for a patent for a process to convert cleaned and chopped feather material into plastic products on a laboratory scale.

The feather-derived plastic can be moulded just like any other plastic and has properties very similar to commodity plastics such as polyethylene and polypropylene. This makes the feather-derived plastic a unique material for packaging or any other application where high strength and biodegradability are desired.
The method could be a solution to the approximately four billion pounds of feathers which are generated each year during the poultry production process. This new application not only is a solution to an environmental problem, but also cost-effectively enhances the commercial and economic value of feathers.

Business Career Advice Can Be a Source of Your Wealth Foundation

Business Career Advice Can Be a Source of Your Wealth Foundation

The standard you set today determines the memory you create for the future. The foundations you create today determine your impact in the future and it is you who has to put them to work.

Before you succeed, you have to lay down a good foundation for your careers which includes:

1. Involving a business you believe in. The owner of ideas rules the world. Decide on what to do and target you audience by identifying and focusing on the spenders of money in the economy.

2. Reading good books is very important in business. Learn anything that will make you successful. There's no one way to success.

3. Readiness to exhibit energy. Money making require concerted energy with hardworking minded.

4. Price of command for instance leadership potentials in business. In pride of command 100% confidence is required while existing ability to fail is terribly bad. Direct confession cannot be subject to evil attach, confess positively

5. Determination: Your determination must be unequal. It is a big poison that destroys shadow in business. Have self determination approach to life. If you know God, you can't be frustrated. Cleave to the Almighty, the maker of the land full of milk and honey.

6. Sense of justice by training your brains, be fair to yourself first, your family, then others

7. Calmness is crisis when you give your life into crisis, devil will not leave you alone

8. Be loyal to yourself; love yourself, have courage with good perception for what you do. Perception is ability to take action today for tomorrow. Postponing attaching shadow now is a calamity for your employer buoyant package as good plan but have a cut-off date for your employer's gesture to disengage. Remember that the benefit of your present seat is a burden on your future.

9. Your educational degree ended almost the day you graduated. Things have changed, be prepared to take the education of the road. You can't mess up with your decision.Think deep before you take any action.

10. Always consult your innermost mind in decision making. Avoid the outward eye where advises decide the future of your idea. Advisers see more problems than benefits in your business idea. What you see in your idea, they don't usually see it. Decision is the hardest factor in business, you are finished the moment you depend on outsiders for your decision making.

11. Learn how to distribute your income to diversify into other business areas. According to business developers;
a-First 25% on fixed assets such as land and property in capital around.

b-25% on floating assets such as stock and share in stock exchange market.

c-Last 25% as a waste around available for you to spend as you wish. Learn how to buy business and know how to invest in stock and shares.

12. Integrity: This is a key to the success of an entrepreneur. Learn to keep promises made to financiers, investors, suppliers, staff and so on, Honesty is the ultimate goal for anybody.

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